šŸŽ 10 ā€œPrint & Giftā€ Christmas Crafts for Kids

Another gem from teachsundayschool.com! More downloadable crafts to help keep Christ in Christmas!


Help kids learn that Christmas is just as much about
giving as it as about getting this year!

We’ve come up with 10 Christ-Centered Christmas Crafts
for Kids to Gift to those they love!

Use them with your own kids to create gifts for
loved ones (Grandma, Grandpa, Uncles, Aunts,
Cousins, Teachers, Bus Drivers, Postal Carriers,

Use them at church to help kids wrap up a
special something for Mom & Dad this year that
will be a keepsake for years to come.

You can print out all the craft templates &
see pictures of the finished productsĀ here:


Merry Christmas!

šŸ¦ƒ 10 Christ-Centered Thanksgiving Crafts [PRINTABLE]

Mary-Kate from  teachsundayschool.com shared another download for your Thanksgiving holiday fun!



Need a fun activity to keep the kids busy today?


We just posted 10 printable Thanksgiving craft projects on the website:




I’m particularly in love with all the Scriptures of Thanksgiving Pumpkins & the Turkey Tickets.

Grab the templates here.





Who is God?

From Pure in Heart Stories, a Literary Magazine for Kids,Ā  created and edited by Veronica McDonald and her daughter, Mia McDonald, with special feedback from her husband Joe McDonald. Click the link above for more of this awesome children’s literary journal.

Who is God?

Do you have questions about who God is? Youā€™re not alone. All of us at one time or another have wondered about the mysteries of our existence.

Here is what the Bible tells us about God:

God is real. He created the universe, the Earth, and everything in it (including you). He is the creator of life. As your creator and designer, He knows you, your mind, and your heart. He knows everything about you. He loves you (HeĀ isĀ love), and He wants a relationship with you.

Hereā€™s the problem: there is distance between us and God. This separation exists because, whether we know it or not, we choose our own way of living instead of Godā€™s way. This is called sin. Sin is choosing to say, think, or do things that are against Godā€™s will. Everyone sins, without exception, and it keeps us from getting close to a good, pure, and perfect God. We cannot get rid of our sinfulness by our own efforts ā€“ not by trying to be a good person or performing good deeds. But sin must be acknowledged and dealt with in order for a relationship with God to begin.

So, in order to restore the broken relationship with humanity, the Author wrote Himself into His own storyā€¦

God came into His own creation, and lived as a man. As a human, He helped us to know His character and showed us how to live. He shared in our humanity, but never sinned. After teaching people about the ways of God, He allowed Himself to be falsely accused by religious leaders and arrested by Roman soldiers, then brutally executed. He did this to make Himself a sacrifice, so that all of the sin of humanity (past, present, and future) could be placed on His shoulders and be punished once and for all.

After He died, He came back from the dead three days later. This miracle proved that He had power over life and death, and confirmed the truth of all His teachings. He told us that whoever trusts Him will be given life ā€“ realĀ lifeĀ ā€“ and will one day live with Him forever in a paradise untainted by the sin that corrupts our world. He made a relationship possible again. His human name is Jesus (YeshuaĀ in Hebrew). Many people often refer to Jesus as their ā€œsaviorā€ because He literally saves us from the dire consequences of sin ā€“ which are destruction, death, and separation from the love and goodness of God.

If you want to know the God who loves you, thereā€™s nothing you have toĀ do. You donā€™t have to go to church first and you donā€™t have to start making promises to be a good person. Just come to Him as you are, imperfections and all. Talk to Him, wherever you are. While youā€™re talking, recognize who He is. Ask Him for His forgiveness for your sins. Ask Him to take your life and make it new. And because He loves you, and because He is good, He will do just that.

Bible References:

  • ā€œfor all have sinned and fall short of the glory of Godā€ (Romans 3:23)
  • ā€œIf we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.ā€ (1 John 1:8)
  • ā€œBut God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for usā€ (Romans 5:8)
  • ā€œFor God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)
  • ā€œFor the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.ā€ (Romans 6:23)
  • ā€œif you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.ā€ (Romans 10:9)
  • ā€œIf we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.ā€ (1 John 1:9)
  • Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:Ā The old has gone, the new is here! (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Heart of Flesh Literary Journal (Issue Six) by Veronica McDonald

There is no better time than now to make this Literary Journal a must read! My daughter-in-law, Veronica, has compiled a rich and compelling array of stories, poems, art and verse that will bless you and cause deep thought about your relationship to Christ. Be sure to read the “Note from the Editor” as an introduction to this captivating work!

Subscribe and get regular updates, or even better, send in your own submission for review as she compiles her next bi-annual journal.

Heart of Flesh Literary Journal, Issue Six

Let me know how you like it! Patti, Professional Mom

Thanksgiving Lesson

Mary-Kate from teachsundayschool.com has a special Thanksgiving Bible lesson to share, don’t forget this is a paid download, enjoy: 



We just posted a 100% turn-key Thanksgiving Bible Lesson on the website:




It’s a fun 60-minute lesson that encouraging children to have an ā€œAttitude of Gratitudeā€ at all times throughout the year.


(Great for home or church)




7 Monsters of the Bible [Halloween Alternative Lesson]



Don’t let God’s Truth take a backseat

this Halloween!


Do your kids know that the very first Monsters

ever were in the Bible?


Here are my 7 favorite Biblical Monsters

and tales of suspense:




God Bless,



*Editor’s note: I couldn’t wait to share this download from Mary Kate Warner of teachsundayschool.com. Halloween holds lots of memories for me as a child. It seems to be getting out of control with worldly perversion. Let’s keep our kids (who like monsters) in the scriptures! Have fun this Halloween! Be safe! PM

Old Faithful: Left Over Rotisserie Chicken

Dear Moms everywhere,

Who doesnā€™t want a quick and easy meal? I know I do!

One afternoon, shopping at SAMs, one of my faves, I spied a woman rolling toward the checkout with 7 rotisserie chickens. I couldnā€™t help but ask if there was a party, and she said, ā€œNo, I just get one for every night of the week.ā€

I thought, what a great idea! And recently, using one for supper ā€œas isā€ and making chicken salad with the rest, I thought, AGAIN, what a great idea!

I just wanted to give you a quick post and relay some ideas about using this delectable bird.

First of all, ā€œas isā€ in my opinion, when fresh off the cooker, is perfect, however, my husband and I rarely eat the whole thing when itā€™s fresh. More times than not (silly me) I let it sit in the fridge too long and end up throwing the leftovers away. I hate that!

So, here are some suggestions, for you and me when we have enough for more than one meal.

Chicken salad, enhance with mayo, celery, and boiled eggs, or just mayo (salt.)

Chicken tacos, enhanced with taco flavoring, cheese or cheese sauce, salsa, and guacamole, if preferred.

Continue reading

21 Bible Verses to Help You STOP Worrying (TeachSundaySchool.com)


I used to be a chronic worry machine:

  • I’d worry about things I had absolutely no control over
  • I’d stop myself from taking action in my life because I was afraid of failure
  • I struggled to live in the moment

It was not good.

Not good for me… not good for my family… not good for my friends.

Thankfully, I’m now able to stop worry before it becomes anxiety and panic with the help of scripture.

In case you are struggling (or know someone who is), I’ve posted the verses, tools, and techniques that have helped me here:

How I Stopped Worrying with Scripture


Mary-Kate (From TeachSundaySchool.com)

*Hi Professional Mom readers! This was captured from a daily email I receive from TeachSundaySchool.com! (with their permission)

It is a download, that you purchase, however, I love their work and have purchased from them several times!

Most recently I purchased their “Introducing God” series and I can’t wait to share it! Be sure to let me know if you love their download material as much as I do! Patti

Ten Ways to Change Your Man (a re-post) Inspiration from Professional Mom

1.       Pray for him daily.

2.       Love him unconditionally.

3.       Appreciate him.

4.       Thank him verbally.

5.       Respect him.

6.       Speak the truth in love.

7.       Never go to bed angry.

8.       No disrespect allowed, verbal, cussing, hitting.

9.       Let him help you in his way.

10.   Be the woman God wants you to be.

1.       Pray for him daily. The Bible says, ā€œThe effectual, fervent prayers of a righteous man (woman, implied) availeth much.ā€ Take it to the Lord in prayer, He will hear and answer. You will see subtle changes in your man, this will not happen quickly. My husband was not close to the Lord when we married, but he did become the father and husband I knew he could be and heā€™s now a missionary. We have been married many years. Have faith, he will become the man you need him to be.

Continue reading

Order "The Gospel Parade" Today!


Don't miss

Ā "The Gospel Parade!" Second printing!

A great way to share the Gospel with your children

and grandchildren. A "read to" or read on their own,

Ā  Ā  target audience is 4-9, but all ages will enjoy this!

The first edition was published in 2011, with just a few changes in the pictures, this is the same story that thrilled all of our readers!

Joe McDonald Ministry has made a parade float for local parades and church events! Complete with pictures from the book and gospel music!

Available now in

hardbound and softbound and at a reduced price!




Sunsets on Mobile Bay Calendar 2025 Volume XIV is available now!

Click here to preview and order:


Sunsets on Mobile Bay Calendar 2025 Volume XIV is available on Lulu.com, featuring the award-winning photography of local artist, Tommie Peterson. Tommie has delivered on the most fantastic photos yet! Volume XIV, 14years of calendars and if you've been getting one every year, you won't be disappointed! Lovely views of the Mobile, Alabama skyline with the most gorgeous sunsets ever! $2.00 per calendar is donated to Joe McDonald Ministry after printing costs. Thank you to all of our ministry supporters for your faithful giving! For more information on Joe McDonald Ministry, visit Professional MomFaceBook Page or Joe McDonald Ministry FaceBook Page, and get monthly newsletters on JoeMcDonaldMinistry.org

Be sure to use a LuLu.com discount code for extra savings!

Happy Birthday, Professional Mom!

Professional Mom
Inspiration for Moms and Caregivers

25 Years of Inspiration!











Winter Blessings 2025




"Hell is Forever: The Way of Escape" By Patrice Nodar McDonald (that's me!)




Be sure to check out my book on Amazon!
