🙏 How I Teach Kids to Pray (& Enjoy Prayer!)

Here’s another great download from “teachsundayschool.com.” When your child trusts Jesus as their Savior and Lord, they need to feel comfortable about praying. This lesson tells 6 valuable steps that teach children (and adults) how to pray. It’s also discounted with this link! Enjoy! Professional Mom

Teach Kids to Feel Comfortable
Speaking to God, Hearing His Voice &
Asking for Things With Assurance!


Most kids have a lot of questions & concerns about prayer.

They wonder why prayer feels boring.

They wonder why their prayers go unanswered.

They wonder if prayer really works.

We’ve developed a 6-Step approach to helping kids understand prayer:



Keto-Friendly Breakfast Bagels

Good morning!

If you like bread, and I do, these are the most “bread-like” morsels I have tasted (and they’re mostly cheese!)

With just the right zing from the “Everything Bagel” mix, these would be a hit for any meal, including but not limited to a Charcuterie board (just make them smaller.)

I found this in a Keto magazine in the Airport on a recent trip, source is S. Ryan, ketokarma.com.


3 cups shredded low-moisture mozzarella cheese

2 ounces cream cheese, cubed

1 1/2 cups almond flour

1/4 cup flaxseed meal

1 tablespoon baking powder

1 pinch salt

3 eggs, divided (not separated, my mistake!)

2 tablespoons everything-bagel seasoning mix


Preheat oven to 400 degrees

Line a baking sheet with parchment or a silicone baking sheet (foil will stick, I did that!)

Place cheese and cream cheese in a microwave safe bowl and heat on high for 2 minutes, stir, and then heat for an additional minute, stir.

In a large bowl measure almond flour, flaxseed meal, baking powder and salt, stir to combine, add cheese mixture and 2 eggs, knead with your hands until dough comes together and is smooth.

Divide dough into 6 balls, flatten and poke a hole in the middle (my holes closed up!)

Whisk remaining egg and apply egg wash and bagel mix on each one.

Bake 12 minutes or until golden brown.


🆘 Bible Emergency Numbers for Back-to-School

Here’s another great product from Teach Sunday School! Don’t miss this valuable locker (or notebook) sticker for “Back to School”! (free shipping) Professional Mom approved! Patti


We just posted a list of Bible Emergency Numbers on the website.

This is the perfect tool to ease anxieties during back-to-school season.

Feeling Afraid? Lonely? Stressed? Jealous? Bored?

No matter what the challenging feeling, the Bible has a verse to help kids feel better.

Check it out here:


I’m making sure all the kids at our church have these ‘Emergency Numbers‘ tucked in their Bibles for quick reference.



Tip for Today! Homemade Turmeric Coffee Creamer

I hope you caught my video on FaceBook, illustrating how to make my awesome Turmeric Coffee Creamer! I have been starting my day off with this for the past year and really recommend it for all for the health benefits that the spice, Turmeric, can give you!

Here’s a list of benefits I captured from “nativepath.com”:


Blood pressure help

Eases joint pain (in a little as 7 days!)

Stomach ailments

Aids circulation

(I think it’s helping my brain!)

I have enjoyed using it for over a year now and wanted to share my own personal recipe:

4 heaping Tablespoons Coconut Sugar

3 heaping Tablespoons dry coffee creamer (or any dried milk product)

4 heaping teaspoons Stevia (or sweetener of choice)

3 heaping teaspoons of ground Turmeric

Mix together and store in an airtight container

Use 2-3 teaspoons or 1 heaping Tablespoon in your coffee or beverage every morning for all of the health benefits of Turmeric in a delicious coffee creamer!

🖍️ Book-By-Book Bible Coloring Sheets [PRINTABLE]

Hi Professional Moms! Here’s another Summer activity from Teach Sunday School! PM


Grab some crayons, we just posted a printable coloring sheet for each book in the Bible:

Each coloring page includes an adorable image to color, author info, date written, category, most popular verses, and a chapter-by-chapter reading tracker.

You can print out the whole set here.



101 Bible Games (for Summer Fun)




Hi Moms and Caregivers! Here’s another great download from teachsundayschool.com. Hours of Summer fun games and activities for the children! Enjoy! Professional Mom




We just posted 101 Bible Games on the website:




These are high-energy games that get your kids moving, laughing, and having FUN while they learn more about the Bible.


Perfect for family picnics, VBS, Sunday School, etc.


Check them out here.




Sharing Jesus With Your Children (Dr. James Dobson Family Institute)

* Nothing is more important than your children’s salvation. Instruct them early. This is shared from Dr. Dobson’s website. Source and author information at the end of the article.
Sharing Jesus With Your Children_promo_1200x630-min

To receive Sharing Jesus With Your Children as a PDF, please enter your email below.

We should start teaching the fundamentals of the faith to children as soon as they can talk. My parents followed that plan. The first word I learned to spell was J-E-S-U-S. When I forgot it, my mother patiently taught it to me again. She told me He was my friend, and that He loved me.

The basics go from there to an understanding of who God is, what He accomplished in Christ, and what He expects us to do. This teaching must begin very early in childhood and continue as the years roll by. The most effective teaching tool is the modeling provided by the parents at home.

Many parents have asked for practical help with the spiritual training of their children. I have turned to two experts, Robert and (the late) Bobbie Wolgemuth, who have worked extensively with boys and girls. Bobbie especially was a “guru” with little people. In their book, How To Lead Your Child To Christ, they share some ideas, stories, and explanations to help moms and dads teach basic Christian concepts at home.

Creating a spiritual climate in your home that can help nurture your child’s faith is your most important assignment. Here are some strategies that can help ensure that your child will be ready to accept God’s gift of grace when the time is right.
Bibles for Everyone

If you’ve not already done so, consider buying a Bible for everyone in your family, including the youngest children. Before you tuck your children into bed at night, read from their Bible. If they’re old enough, encourage them to read along. God promises that His Word will provide a lifetime of light for your children’s path… a cure for their lifelong struggle with sin.

How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word. With my whole heart I have sought You; Oh, let me not wander from Your commandments! Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You…Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. (Ps. 119: 9-11, 105 NKJV)

The path to obedience is paved with God’s Word.

Memorizing Scripture

One way to help pass on your spiritual legacy to your children is to help them memorize important Scripture verses. Their brains are like wet cement, and the verses they learn will be pressed on their hearts forever.

An easy way to help them memorize a passage is to write a version out on an index card and then look for chances to repeat it, phrase by phrase, to your kids. Riding in the car on the way to school or sitting around the breakfast table are perfect chances for you to work on your verse together. You can even turn the process into a game. A great verse to start with is Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (NKJV).

When kids are struggling with doubt or temptation, the Holy Spirit can use His own words, which they’ve memorized, to strengthen their faith and resolve.

Teach Them to Pray

Bringing your children into God’s presence through prayer is an unspeakable privilege. Teaching them to pray also gives you the opportunity to show them another way to honor the Lord.

Mealtimes and bedtimes are ideal times for prayer. By your own example, teach your child how to speak words of affirmation and gratitude to God. The younger your child, the more likely he is to thank God for unusual things, like the frog in the creek or a new box of breakfast cereal. That’s okay—the older he gets, the more meaningful these thank-yous will become.

Also, teach your child to learn to ask forgiveness for specific actions. By confessing his own sin, your child will begin to understand the truth of a loving heavenly Father’s forgiveness.

Then invite your child to bring his requests to the God of the universe, who is listening carefully. Like his list of thank-yous, he may have a long list of everyday requests (“Bless the garbage man, bless my Hot Wheels and Rescue Heroes, please help my T-ball team win tomorrow…”). Again, it’s okay. Your child is learning to trust God to meet his needs.

Finally, help your child close the prayer by thanking God once more. The best way for your child to learn how to pray is for them to hear you pray with them and for them. Let them hear you speak words of adoration and worship, confess your sins, make specific requests, and then thank Him again for listening and answering.
Table Talk

So much of passing along your legacy to your children will be found in the ordinary moments… such as engaging in conversation around the dinner table. One way to initiate good conversation is to ask two questions: “What was the happiest thing that happened today?” and “Did you have any sad moments today?” This always evokes interesting family talk. This is a good way to get the kids involved in the discussion.

Another way of focusing family talk with your kids is to ask them, “Did the Lord say anything special to you today?” This is a great idea. Help your children learn to keep their eyes and ears tuned for God’s activity in their lives during the day, anticipating the time they could give a report to their family at dinner.

Continue reading

Order "The Gospel Parade" Today!


Don't miss

 "The Gospel Parade!" Second printing!

A great way to share the Gospel with your children

and grandchildren. A "read to" or read on their own,

    target audience is 4-9, but all ages will enjoy this!

The first edition was published in 2011, with just a few changes in the pictures, this is the same story that thrilled all of our readers!

Joe McDonald Ministry has made a parade float for local parades and church events! Complete with pictures from the book and gospel music!

Available now in

hardbound and softbound and at a reduced price!



Volume XII Sunsets on Mobile Bay 2024

Made Exclusively for Joe McDonald Ministry


Sunsets on Mobile Bay 2024 Volume XIII is available now!!!

Click here to preview and order:


Sunsets on Mobile Bay Calendar 2024 Volume XIII is available on Lulu.com, featuring the award-winning photography of local artist, Tommie Peterson. Tommie has delivered on the most fantastic photos yet! Volume XIII, 13 years of calendars and if you've been getting one every year, you won't be disappointed! Lovely views of the Mobile, Alabama skyline with the most gorgeous sunsets ever! $2.00 per calendar is donated to Joe McDonald Ministry after printing costs. Thank you to all of our ministry supporters for your faithful giving! For more information on Joe McDonald Ministry, visit our FaceBook Page or website, JoeMcDonaldMinistry.org

Be sure to use a LULU.com discount code for extra savings!

Order here:


Happy Birthday, Professional Mom!

Professional Mom
Inspiration for Moms and Caregivers

25 Years of Inspiration!











"Hell is Forever: The Way of Escape" By Patrice Nodar McDonald (that's me!)




Be sure to check out my book on Amazon!
