You Hurt When You Heal
I hurt my lip. All my dermatologist friends will cringe if they read this. I was at the beach for an early spring outing with my children and even bought sunscreen on the way. But I forgot to tend to my lips.
With that, a huge swelling sore came up and it was not pretty. After caring for it for 2 weeks, it has finally gone down to a manageable red spot. Still tender, I got to thinking about how awesome healing is. But you hurt when you heal.
Avocados Make Me Anxious by Professional Mom
What’s your poison? What’s your kryptonite? What gives you anxiety? I just realized that mine is avocados. I love them, I eat them, they are delicious and wonderful, however, this does not mean that they as a fruit, or vegetable, are without remiss.*
My fellow moms hear me when I say, I love avocados. A friend told me a few weeks ago that she and her husband split one a day to help their cholesterol, now if that’s not motivation to eat them, I don’t know what is. I bought some last week, determined to eat one, or part of one every day. Thankfully they turned out to be good and I ate them all within their “fresh” time.Continue reading→
By Dr. Tim Clinton
“All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.”
–Abraham Lincoln
–Billy Graham
–George Washington
Mother. Every time a child is born—so is a mother. It has often been said that in that one moment when a mother sees her newborn child for the first time, nine months of discomfort and the hours of pain and delivery are completely forgotten. An innate eternal bond is instantly formed that transcends and eclipses all other relationships.
The word “mother” is used nearly 300 times in the Bible, and Strong’s Concordance tells us that the word literally means “an intimate relationship… that bestows benefits on another.”
Talking about Death with Children by Professional Mom
Talking about Death with Children
It’s not something you typically think about until it happens. Your elderly aunt or parent passes away, or a friend or relative dies in an accident. All too often lately, someone is diagnosed with cancer which adds an element of talking about death, but it usually just becomes “the elephant in the room.” Children should be prepared in a comforting way for death, yours especially.
Years ago, my daughter Sarah, a particularly tender-hearted child, was troubled. I knew it. She was only about six years old and she came to me and said, “Mommy, I’m not ever getting married, I’m going to take care of you when I grow up.” In my motherly wisdom, I said, “Oh, my sweet heart, God has a wonderful plan for your life and one day you will meet a young man, fall in love, and have a family of your own, Mommy will be ok.” She’s in her forties now and has a beautiful family, and, well, she could still take care of me in my old age as life has it. God’s plans are better than our plans for sure.Continue reading→
Christmas De-do
It was the 4th of January and I felt compelled to undecorate. My decorating has dwindled over the last few years as I became weary with putting lights all over the outside of the house and trees in every room. It seemed right to put little sparkles of twinkly lights on several tables and my big credenza in the den, along with my outside, less sparkly, adornment of wreaths and bows that I have had for many years. My husband pared down his extensive yard art to a tasteful white Nativity scene which I have been loving for the last two years. But now it was time to take the sparkles and put them away for another year.Continue reading→
Five Steps to a Great Celebration by Professional Mom
It’s the holidays, most of you will either participate in a family celebration, host or attend a party. Since Christmas is only a week away, most of my plans are in full swing, however, this list is not just for Christmas! I use this format for any party, wedding, reunion or just a dinner party. Keep in mind, there are variables for every occasion, but let’s find out or be reminded of the most important steps to any great party or celebration!
- One of the first things you must do when planning any gathering is to determine how much you want to spend. A budget is key; however, you always go over so be generous, with some wiggle room. A party of 20 could cost more than a party of 50 if you get really careless with your spending. But again, you, well, I’ll say, usually, this time, go over. Added to this step is budgeting your time, how much time you have to plan, keeping things prioritized, etc. For example, get invites out as early as you can, weddings require 4 weeks and I recommend at least 2 for other occasions if possible. Some things like reunions (family, school, etc.) need to be planned six months to a year in advance to make sure people can put the party on their schedule.
Somewhere in Arizona (a new blog post by Professional Mom)
Somewhere in Arizona
It had been a most rewarding trip. Joe and I flew to Cali to welcome our newest grandbaby, Naomi. Along the way, we helped with meals and school duties for the new family of five. After a few bumps in the road, emergency room trips for the new mom and our son’s virus-turned strep, it seemed they had settled in and we took off as scheduled in our Uber to pick up a rental car to drive to Ft. Huachuca, Arizona to visit our children there.
It’s not hard for folks with grown children to understand the dynamic of staying in their home for an extended period. Now, as we are used to our quiet lifestyle, we decided that a night in a hotel would be called for between visits. It was about a five-hour drive through the mountains to our half-way point, both comfortable and uneventful, but as we pulled up to the hotel entrance, I noticed that one of my earrings was missing.
Norma; Blessed of God
Mom & Me
Everyone, almost without exception, loves their mom. Moms are our role-models, our confidants, our heroes. They give us our life, food and hugs. Moms are great. My mom, Norma Nodar, is the greatest.
If you know her, or have ever been remotely in contact with her, by that I mean, sell insurance to her, paint her house or help her at the store, you have probably gotten a card from her. This in and of itself is a blessing to multitudes. My siblings and I have 15 children between us, plus now, their spouses. Every one of us receive not only birthday cards but Thanksgiving, Easter and other various holidays. Our plethora of grandchildren, at least 40 (which includes the great-grands and steps,) have received their birthday cards with a crisp five-dollar bill until their 18th birthday! After that, they continue to get a card (usually with a decorated envelope) until, well, I guess forever.
But wait, I mentioned if you were remote contact, which means not only venders and businesses, but friend’s birthdays, illnesses, congratulations, shut-in encouragement and sympathy cards, sent, by the way, every single day.
Keeping Our Children Happy & Safe
All you want as a mom (or dad) is for your children to be happy and safe. And for me, for them to love Jesus. Is your heart broken, is your child away from you in spirit? Are they sick or just down on their luck? What can we do, how can we help? Come on now, why is this happening?
Well, first, let me say, we are in a crazy, difficult world with many dangers and snares. So, this is not your fault. That said, could we have done things differently, sure, but ultimately, our child’s life decisions are surely just theirs when they reach a certain age. It is our job as parents to mold, train and discipline them as they grow, but an adult child is totally responsible for their decisions from about 18 on, with a few exceptions, which I will elaborate on later.
Charts Work! A Young Mom’s Tip!
Momma, are you struggling to get your child’s cooperation? Struggling to get things done in a timely manner? What about just having a difficult time teaching rules and responsibility to your child? I was there, in your shoes just a few short months ago. Luckily, I discovered an awesome system to teach my LO all of the above struggles.
I have used this system since January, and it has help tremendously. It’s the infamous sticker chart for your child (of any age). I have two charts (morning and evening) filled with a few chores, i.e. making the bed, brushing teeth, eating breakfast, picking up toys, putting dishes in the sink, helping with dinner, taking a bath, free time, and most importantly, having a Bible verse of the day.
Continue reading→
Order "The Gospel Parade" Today!
Don't miss
"The Gospel Parade!" Second printing!
A great way to share the Gospel with your children
and grandchildren. A "read to" or read on their own,
target audience is 4-9, but all ages will enjoy this!
The first edition was published in 2011, with just a few changes in the pictures, this is the same story that thrilled all of our readers!
Joe McDonald Ministry has made a parade float for local parades and church events! Complete with pictures from the book and gospel music!
Available now in
hardbound and softbound and at a reduced price!
Sunsets on Mobile Bay Calendar 2025 Volume XIV is available now!
Click here to preview and order:
Sunsets on Mobile Bay Calendar 2025 Volume XIV is available on Lulu.com, featuring the award-winning photography of local artist, Tommie Peterson. Tommie has delivered on the most fantastic photos yet! Volume XIV, 14years of calendars and if you've been getting one every year, you won't be disappointed! Lovely views of the Mobile, Alabama skyline with the most gorgeous sunsets ever! $2.00 per calendar is donated to Joe McDonald Ministry after printing costs. Thank you to all of our ministry supporters for your faithful giving! For more information on Joe McDonald Ministry, visit Professional MomFaceBook Page or Joe McDonald Ministry FaceBook Page, and get monthly newsletters on JoeMcDonaldMinistry.org
Be sure to use a LuLu.com discount code for extra savings!
Happy Birthday, Professional Mom!

Professional Mom
Inspiration for Moms and Caregivers
25 Years of Inspiration!