Somewhere in Arizona (a new blog post by Professional Mom)

Somewhere in Arizona

It had been a most rewarding trip. Joe and I flew to Cali to welcome our newest grandbaby, Naomi. Along the way, we helped with meals and school duties for the new family of five.  After a few bumps in the road, emergency room trips for the new mom and our son’s virus-turned strep, it seemed they had settled in and we took off as scheduled in our Uber to pick up a rental car to drive to Ft. Huachuca, Arizona to visit our children there.

It’s not hard for folks with grown children to understand the dynamic of staying in their home for an extended period. Now, as we are used to our quiet lifestyle, we decided that a night in a hotel would be called for between visits.  It was about a five-hour drive through the mountains to our half-way point, both comfortable and uneventful, but as we pulled up to the hotel entrance, I noticed that one of my earrings was missing.

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Norma; Blessed of God

Mom & Me

Everyone, almost without exception, loves their mom. Moms are our role-models, our confidants, our heroes. They give us our life, food and hugs. Moms are great. My mom, Norma Nodar, is the greatest.

If you know her, or have ever been remotely in contact with her, by that I mean, sell insurance to her, paint her house or help her at the store, you have probably gotten a card from her. This in and of itself is a blessing to multitudes. My siblings and I have 15 children between us, plus now, their spouses. Every one of us receive not only birthday cards but Thanksgiving, Easter and other various holidays. Our plethora of grandchildren, at least 40 (which includes the great-grands and steps,) have received their birthday cards with a crisp five-dollar bill until their 18th birthday! After that, they continue to get a card (usually with a decorated envelope) until, well, I guess forever.

But wait, I mentioned if you were remote contact, which means not only venders and businesses, but friend’s birthdays, illnesses, congratulations, shut-in encouragement and sympathy cards, sent, by the way, every single day.

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Keeping Our Children Happy & Safe

All you want as a mom (or dad) is for your children to be happy and safe. And for me, for them to love Jesus. Is your heart broken, is your child away from you in spirit? Are they sick or just down on their luck? What can we do, how can we help? Come on now, why is this happening?

Well, first, let me say, we are in a crazy, difficult world with many dangers and snares. So, this is not your fault. That said, could we have done things differently, sure, but ultimately, our child’s life decisions are surely just theirs when they reach a certain age.  It is our job as parents to mold, train and discipline them as they grow, but an adult child is totally responsible for their decisions from about 18 on, with a few exceptions, which I will elaborate on later.

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Charts Work! A Young Mom’s Tip!

Momma, are you struggling to get your child’s cooperation? Struggling to get things done in a timely manner? What about just having a difficult time teaching rules and responsibility to your child? I was there, in your shoes just a few short months ago. Luckily, I discovered an awesome system to teach my LO all of the above struggles.

I have used this system since January, and it has help tremendously. It’s the infamous sticker chart for your child (of any age). I have two charts (morning and evening) filled with a few chores, i.e. making the bed, brushing teeth, eating breakfast, picking up toys, putting dishes in the sink, helping with dinner, taking a bath, free time, and most importantly, having a Bible verse of the day.
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Dad’s Vital Role in Building Character Into His Sons By Dr. James Dobson

Dad's Vital Role in Building Character Into His Sons

If character training is a primary goal of parenting, and I believe it is, then the best way to instill it is through the demeanor and behavior of a father. Identification with him is a far more efficient teacher than lecturing, scolding, punishing, bribing, and cajoling. Boys watch their dads intently, noting every minor detail of behavior and values. Your sons will imitate much of what you do. If you blow up regularly and insult your wife, your boys will treat their mother and other females disrespectfully. If you drink to excess, your kids will be at risk for chemical substance abuse. If you curse or smoke or fight with your coworkers, your boys will probably follow suit. If you are selfish or mean or angry, you’ll see those characteristics displayed in the next generation.

Fortunately, the converse is also true. If you are honest, trustworthy, caring, loving, self-disciplined, and God-fearing, your boys will be influenced by those traits as they age. If you are deeply committed to Jesus Christ and live by biblical principles, your children will probably follow in your footsteps. So much depends on what they observe in you, for better or worse.

Someone said, “I’d rather see a sermon than hear one.” There is truth to this statement. Children may not remember what you say, but they are usually impacted for life by what you do. Consider the task of teaching your boys to be honest, for example. Yes, you should teach what the Scripture says about truthfulness, but you should also look for opportunities to live according to that standard of righteousness. I’m reminded of something that happened several years ago in the state of Georgia, when the Bulldogs of Rockdale County High School overcame a big deficit to win the state basketball championship. Coach Cleveland Stroud couldn’t have been more proud of his team. But then a few days later, while watching the game films of the playoffs, he noticed that there was an ineligible player on the court for forty-five seconds during one of the games. He called the Georgia High School Association and reported the violation, costing the school the title and the trophy. When asked about it at a press conference, Coach Stroud said, “Some people have said that we should have kept quiet about it. That it was just forty-five seconds, and that the player wasn’t really an impact player. But you gotta do what’s honest and right. I told my team that people forget the scores of basketball games. They don’t ever forget what you’re made out of.”

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6 Qualities of an Encouraging Parent By Dr. Eric Scalise, PhD., LPC, LMFT

What is encouragement and why is it so essential for maintaining healthy marriages and families. Encouragement represents positive influence, to literally give courage to someone—not waiting until it’s deserved or asked for, but taking initiative when things are difficult and uncertain. There are many synonyms one could use: to give support, confidence or hope to another; to hearten, cheer, uplift, inspire, motivate, vitalize, embolden, or rally. The impact can be far reaching and often makes a difference when relationships begin to falter. Even the neuroscience gives credence to this dynamic. Criticism and negativity release harmful stress hormones, inhibit concentration, diminish the brain’s executive functioning, and tend to create knee-jerk reactions vs. calm and rational thinking.

The Bible provides a wonderful example of a life fully lived under this principle. His name was Barnabas and there are several lessons we can draw from his story. Here are six worth considering:

1. The first thing about an encourager is that he or she is practical.

Barnabas arrives on the scene in Acts 4:36-37. He was just a regular “Joe” (Joseph, a Levite), but his nature was so uplifting and encouraging, that the Apostles changed his name to fit his character—Bar (the Son of) Encouragement. He sold some land and laid the money at the Apostle’s feet. Here were the leaders of the first century church who were trying to take care of widows and orphans, and what they needed at the time were financial resources—so practical in the moment.Continue reading

A Mother’s Influence Can’t Be Overstated By Dr. James Dobson

Many women feel that the job of “mom” is boring and monotonous–and they are right! But so is practically every other occupation.

I once stayed in a hotel next to the room of a famous cellist. I could hear him through the walls (believe me!) as he practiced hour after hour. He did not play beautiful symphonic renditions; he repeated scales over and over. As the cellist strolled onstage that evening, I’m sure many in the audience thought, “What a glamorous life!” Some glamour. He spent the entire day alone in his hotel room.

Few of us enjoy heart-thumping excitement each moment of our professional lives. How thrilling is the work of a medical pathologist who examines bacterial cultures from morning until night or a dentist who spends his days drilling and filling? The job of a homemaker can be about as boring as most others. Yet in terms of significance, no job can compete with a mother’s task of shaping and molding a human being in the morning of life.

Not every woman chooses to be a mother, of course, but those who do are worthy of our admiration and respect. “Children,” we are told in Scripture, “are a blessing” (Psalm 37:26, TLB). If so, then mothers are His loving gift to them.

Related Resources

6 Truths About the Role of Moms

Dads–Kids Will Treat Mom Based On Your Actions

Moms Are Indispensable

Mom’s Enduring Lessons of Love and Devotion

The Gospel Parade goes to St. Bernard Parish!

(Copied from Joe McDonald Ministry April Newsletter)

I received a blog post on my site last year, Debbie Smith of Wee Can Know ministry, a friend for many years, had read my “The Gospel Parade” book and had actually made shoebox floats of the parade in the book! I was thrilled, not only because she loved my book, but as a children’s ministry to the Greater New Orleans area, she and her husband, Phil, had multiple opportunities to share the Gospel story through these floats during the year. Phil bought wagons and they placed the floats in order, pulling them along throughout the Mardi Gras season.

Fast-forward to March 2018, Debbie called me and invited Joe McDonald Ministry to walk (and pull) in the St. Bernard Parish Irish Italian Islenos Parade in Chalmette, Louisiana. Joe and I walked the 6 mile parade with Debbie and her team, pulling The Gospel Parade on 6 wagons. It was so fun as we joined the huge parade with giant floats and marching teams. We gave out 800 Gospel packets with bracelets, 200 The Gospel Parade book packets with bracelets, 900 John 3:16 doubloons, 850 additional tracts, and 400 Wordless Book tracts for a today of 3,150 witnesses! Our continued prayer is that many people at that parade will be saved from reading this literature and from seeing the floats!

My personal blessing is that Phil and Debbie ran with the inspiration from The Gospel Parade, more children are saved, and God is glorified! Joe and I left a box of 300+ mini books and Debbie has already distributed some at a Bible Club meeting! I want to add a thank you to YOU! Because of you, we have been able to print mini books in Spanish and English and have distributed them around the World!

Reaching many for Jesus,

Patti McDonald of Joe McDonald Ministry, INC

Sharing Jesus with Your Children by Dr. James Dobson

Another FREE E-Book! Dr. James Dobson has been my mentor and spiritual hero for over 40 years. Please enjoy sharing the most important message you could ever share with your children, the message of Salvation through Jesus Christ! Happy Easter to all! Professional Mom

Dr. Dobson’s email message:

Easter is a great time to share the Good News!

“The ultimate goal for people of faith is to give each child an understanding of Scripture and a lifelong passion for Jesus Christ. This is, I believe, the most important responsibility for those of us who have been entrusted with the care and nurturance of children.”
–Dr. James Dobson

Nothing in this world is more important than preparing your family for life together in eternity.

That’s why we want you to have our FREE eBook, Sharing Jesus With Your Children. It could very well be the best thing you’ll read today.


30 Day Workout Challenge (Pinterest)

I know better…no one wants to start working out during the holidays!

But I couldn’t help sharing this Workout Challenge I found on the Internet! I started it 2 days ago and it is so easy and fast, any mom (or dad) has time for it. I plan to do it and see if I have any results. It takes about 5 minutes a day.

Let me know if you try it and how you do! I am the world’s worst about regular exercise routines but I may be able to stick to this one.

Let’s do it together, or if you want to wait until the New Year, save it to your computer or phone and try it then!

I’m in!!!

Workout Challenge or bust!

Professional Mom



Order "The Gospel Parade" Today!

Don't miss

 "The Gospel Parade!" Second printing!

A great way to share the Gospel with your children

and grandchildren. A "read to" or read on their own,

    target audience is 4-9, but all ages will enjoy this!

The first edition was published in 2011, with just a few changes in the pictures, this is the same story that thrilled all of our readers!

Joe McDonald Ministry has made a parade float for local parades and church events! Complete with pictures from the book and gospel music!

Available now in

hardbound and softbound and at a reduced price!


Volume XII Sunsets on Mobile Bay 2024

Made Exclusively for Joe McDonald Ministry


Sunsets on Mobile Bay 2024 Volume XIII is available now!!!

Click here to preview and order:

Sunsets on Mobile Bay Calendar 2024 Volume XIII is available on, featuring the award-winning photography of local artist, Tommie Peterson. Tommie has delivered on the most fantastic photos yet! Volume XIII, 13 years of calendars and if you've been getting one every year, you won't be disappointed! Lovely views of the Mobile, Alabama skyline with the most gorgeous sunsets ever! $2.00 per calendar is donated to Joe McDonald Ministry after printing costs. Thank you to all of our ministry supporters for your faithful giving! For more information on Joe McDonald Ministry, visit our FaceBook Page or website,

Be sure to use a discount code for extra savings!

Order here:

Happy Birthday, Professional Mom!

Professional Mom
Inspiration for Moms and Caregivers

25 Years of Inspiration!











"Hell is Forever: The Way of Escape" By Patrice Nodar McDonald (that's me!)




Be sure to check out my book on Amazon!