Back to the Future! Professional Mom!
Inspiration Station
It’s both a privilege and an awesome responsibility to be a mom. I guess that’s why I was hesitant as a young bride to want children. I can only say, God knew best! I gave Him my heart and He changed me for sure. I never would have known the blessings of these precious lives that have been put in my path. There are challenges, of course, but when your adult child tells you he loves you or your young grandchild wants to come home with you, it can really melt your heart.
My life, wife, mom, grand-mom, sister, daughter, corporate trainer and itinerate missionary, all of these things and more, is what I’m all about. Being the best I can be, every day, through it all.
My journey has been both amazing and sometimes mundane, always challenging and certainly entertaining.
Share your story, advertise your business, tell about yourself! This site is for you!
Join the Inspiration Station!
With many bloggity blogs to go…
365 Bible Reading Guide for 2025
Joe McDonald Ministry wishing you a Merry Christmas! Read the latest news.
*This includes our McDonald Family Christmas Letter! I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas! Patti-Professional Mom
Merry Christmas! “Let heaven and nature sing” about this special time of the year.
Read the Joe McDonald Ministry news and McDonald family news by clicking here: “The Evangelism Trail” Christmas Edition
This month is two pages long. At the top left look for the two small arrows to see the second page of McDonald Family news.
We give thanks for all your prayers and support in 2024 and pray you have a safe and happy holiday time with family and friends.
Reverend Joe McDonald Isaiah 6:8
sharing “the message of grace”
Joe McDonald Ministry Inc.
a 501(c)(3) donation supported ministry
Joe McDonald Ministry News Thankgiving Edition 2024
Dear Readers: I am pleased to keep you up on the latest Joe McDonald Ministry News! Happy Thanksgiving from Professional Mom!
Here is Joe’s share:
God Bless each of you for taking the time to read our November newsletter. Please respond and let us know what you think.
See it by clicking it here: “The Evangelism Trail” November 2024 Thanksgiving Edition
I pray you have a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving with family and friends in a few weeks. Please pray for those that have lost
loved ones this year and for the men and women serving in foreign lands and can’t be with their families this year.
Patti and I love you.
Joe and Patti
Reverend Joe McDonald Isaiah 6:8
sharing “the message of grace”
Joe McDonald Ministry Inc.
a 501(c)(3) donation supported ministry
Norma; Blessed of God (A Repost)
Post Note: In April, this year, 2024, my mom, Norma Nodar slipped into Heaven at 94 years of age. She was a driving force in my life and a true disciple of Jesus. I miss her everyday! PM
Mom & Me (2018)
Everyone, almost without exception, loves their mom. Moms are our role-models, our confidants, our heroes. They give us our life, food and hugs. Moms are great. My mom, Norma Nodar, is the greatest.
If you know her, or have ever been remotely in contact with her, by that I mean, sell insurance to her, paint her house or help her at the store, you have probably gotten a card from her. This in and of itself is a blessing to multitudes. My siblings and I have 15 children between us, plus now, their spouses. Every one of us receive not only birthday cards but Thanksgiving, Easter and other various holidays. Our plethora of grandchildren, at least 40 (which includes the great-grands and steps,) have received their birthday cards with a crisp five-dollar bill until their 18th birthday! After that, they continue to get a card (usually with a decorated envelope) until, well, I guess forever.
But wait, I mentioned if you were remote contact, which means not only venders and businesses, but friend’s birthdays, illnesses, congratulations, shut-in encouragement and sympathy cards, sent, by the way, every single day.
Joe McDonald Ministry, September Newsletter
Happy Labor Day and Happy September!
Here is the September Joe McDonald Ministry newsletter. See it here: “The Evangelism Trail” for September 2024
Take a moment this Labor Day and catch up with us. Let us know if we can help in any way.
Joe and Patti
Reverend Joe McDonald Isaiah 6:8
sharing “the message of grace”
Joe McDonald Ministry Inc.
a 501(c)(3) donation supported ministry
Joe and I travel all over the world and share the message that Jesus Saves! Follow our travels on Joe McDonald Ministry FaceBook page or sign up for a monthly newsletter, either email or snail mail! Just send me your info on my Contact Page! Patti McDonald-Professional Mom.
Joe McDonald Ministry News July 4th Edition
Here is where you can see it: “The Evangelism Trail” July 4th 2024 Edition” Remember two pages. Look for two arrows at the top left corner.
I have also attached in PDF format. Check us out and know we love and appreciate you.
1 Thessalonians 2:4 NKJV “But as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, even so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who tests our hearts.”
Joe and Patti
Reverend Joe McDonald Isaiah 6:8
sharing “the message of grace”
Joe McDonald Ministry Inc.
a 501(c)(3) donation supported ministry
As full-time missionaries, Joe and Patti McDonald travel wherever (near or far) God directs to tell people about Jesus. If you would like to participate with us by praying, giving or even going, please let us know. You can email us through my contact page and if you send your mailing address we will send you a monthly newsletter. (email if you prefer.)
Take care and hope you have a great holiday,
Patti McDonald, Professional Mom
Heart of Flesh, Literary Journal by Veronica McDonald
Be sure to check out “Heart of Flesh” Literary Journal, Issue 11 is just out!
Click below:
Veronica Sosa McDonald, Creator and Editor, and my beautiful Daughter-in-Law, gave us Issue 11 in May. Be sure to look through all of the issues if you haven’t seen them. They are brilliant!
On that same link you will find “Pure in Heart,” (Issue 7) a literary magazine for children, by children! My awesome granddaughter, Mia McDonald co-edits this with her mom.
Check these out for your perfect Summer activity, for both you and your kids!
Patti, Professional Mom
Joe McDonald Ministry June Newsletter Father’s Day 2024
Take time to read about the foster kids camp in Georgia and Patti’s Mom’s life celebration, both this month.
See it here: “The Evangelism Trail” for June 2024 It is also included in PDF format.
Let us hear back from you if we can help you in any way.
Joe and Patti
Reverend Joe McDonald Isaiah 6:8
sharing “the message of grace”
Joe McDonald Ministry Inc.
a 501(c)(3) donation supported ministry
Joe McDonald Ministry Newletter for May 2024
Note: I hope you are receiving a Joe McDonald Ministry Newsletter every month either by mail or email. This issue has a tribute to my mom, Norma Nodar, who passed away on April 16, 2024. If you knew her, you loved her. Please comment with your thoughts. If you want to receive a physical newsletter every month or be on our email list, go to the “Contact Page” in the menu and let me know. Patti McDonald, Professional Mom. (You have to click into the post to comment.)
Running a little late with the May Joe McDonald Ministry newsletter. You can see it here: “The Evangelism Trail” for May 2024
One of the reasons we are running late, is because as many of you know Patti lost her mother on April 16th. You can see her obituary
here: Norma Nodar Obituary
Please take a couple of minutes and see what we have done since last month’s news and read Patti’s mom’s obit.
Joe and Patti
Reverend Joe McDonald Isaiah 6:8
sharing “the message of grace”
Joe McDonald Ministry Inc.
a 501(c)(3) donation supported ministry
Order "The Gospel Parade" Today!
Don't miss
"The Gospel Parade!" Second printing!
A great way to share the Gospel with your children
and grandchildren. A "read to" or read on their own,
target audience is 4-9, but all ages will enjoy this!
The first edition was published in 2011, with just a few changes in the pictures, this is the same story that thrilled all of our readers!
Joe McDonald Ministry has made a parade float for local parades and church events! Complete with pictures from the book and gospel music!
Available now in
hardbound and softbound and at a reduced price!
Sunsets on Mobile Bay Calendar 2025 Volume XIV is available now!
Click here to preview and order:
Sunsets on Mobile Bay Calendar 2025 Volume XIV is available on Lulu.com, featuring the award-winning photography of local artist, Tommie Peterson. Tommie has delivered on the most fantastic photos yet! Volume XIV, 14years of calendars and if you've been getting one every year, you won't be disappointed! Lovely views of the Mobile, Alabama skyline with the most gorgeous sunsets ever! $2.00 per calendar is donated to Joe McDonald Ministry after printing costs. Thank you to all of our ministry supporters for your faithful giving! For more information on Joe McDonald Ministry, visit Professional MomFaceBook Page or Joe McDonald Ministry FaceBook Page, and get monthly newsletters on JoeMcDonaldMinistry.org
Be sure to use a LuLu.com discount code for extra savings!
Happy Birthday, Professional Mom!

Professional Mom
Inspiration for Moms and Caregivers
25 Years of Inspiration!