Heart of Flesh Literary Journal

By Veronica McDonald, author, artist and mom!

Don’t miss Veronica’s collection of Christian testimonies on her Heart of Flesh web site as she rolls out Volume 8! Previous Journals are available in print version as well as archived on line. She has a children’s journal as well, “Pure in Heart.”

Subscribe to her blog and get updates!

Heart of Flesh Literary Journal

Professional Mom’s Mother’s Day Post!

Mom’s The Boss

If you’ve never had that moment with your child or grandchild when they said, “You’re not the boss!” or behind your back, overheard, “She says that, but she won’t do anything!” Then you either don’t have kids, or you are not paying attention. They have said it, I promise.

If you have heard this and done nothing, shame on you. No wonder the world is in such a chaotic state. It is my opinion that, although this lack of consequences for childish mischief may have made it too late for some (and lack of discipline in the courts have made it worse,) we can only start NOW, with the children in front of us, to make it right.

Ok, so, stepping back a bit, why did I entitle this “Mom’s The Boss’? Speaking from my own experience as a “stay-at-home” mom, it was I who spent 90% of the time with our 6 children. If you are a single mom, you’ve then got 100%, not counting daycare, if you work outside the home. When my kids acted up and needed discipline, I was the one who delivered. I was and still am a believer in “consequences.” Whether that is a switch, a wooden spoon, a paddle, time out (without devices) or manual labor, something’s gotta give! For larger infractions and larger children (teens) sometimes I deferred to “wait ‘til Dad gets home,’ or “Dad and I will have to work out your punishment.” I tried to “build up” the fact that Dad had the first say in all things discipline, with God as his “boss” in the hierarchy of the family.

God is the ultimate Boss.

But you are with the children, whether a stay at home or a working mom (outside the home.) So, you must be ready to deliver on infractions as they come up. I would not be so bold as to say you get up every morning ready for a fight, however, I did have twins (my firsts) that made it hard to just relax and enjoy them!

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⏳ 60-Minute EASTER Challenge for Kids

***Another great Easter activity from Teach Sunday School ($7.99 download) that not only keeps the kids occupied but teaches them about Jesus! By the way, Escape Rooms are really in right now!



Don’t let Jesus take a backseat to the Bunny this Easter.


Go print out the Easter Escape Room and put your kids to a challenge!


There are 4 Printable Easter “Mysteries” for kids to solve in 60 minutes or less (all related to the arrest, trial, crucifixion, & resurrection of Christ).


You can print it out here.


Happy Escaping,


✝️ Christ-Centered Easter Basket Idea

*Here’s a treat that will keep on giving! This Bible Wheel is $7  for hours of learning and fun. Order today, free shipping! Professional Mom Patti McDonald



I think all Easter baskets need a few treats that are Christ-centered.

Check out this adorable “Bible Wheel” surprise I’m tucking into all my baskets this year.

It’s something that kids & teens will all be excited about and actually use to deepen their faith.

Plus, it will last a little longer than those mini eggs and peeps!

Check it out here.

Talk Soon,

Nobody Wants To Talk About Hell by Professional Mom


I’m going to start the New Year off with a subject that, in my opinion, has been avoided of late. The subject of Hell. The place, and it is a place, the purpose, the problem, and the person.

When I say, of late, I mean that for the past few years I’ve noticed a Heavenly Gospel, which is good, as there is a Heaven also, but it seems to me that the subject of Hell has been left out of the conversation (sermons) in the last few years.

It is only appropriate to discuss Hell because when we speak of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, His whole reason for coming to Earth was to save humanity from Death and Hell.

So, let’s start with “the place.” It is a place of eternal suffering. When you die, you either go to Heaven or Hell, there is no “in between” or limbo, as is thought in some religions. You live, you die. It seems trite or disrespectful, but it is the truth. Hell is described in the Bible as “a furnace of fire; there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth…” Among other descriptive words found in scripture, it is a horrible place, separated from the God who created us.

There is a purpose for Hell. It was created by God for the Devil and his angels. As time has no limits with God, before the Man was on Earth, the angels rebelled and Lucifer, God’s favorite angel decided he could be God and was remanded to Hell. That he has some power before the end times is not for me to speculate, however, when the end of the world as we know it happens, and it will happen, the Devil and his followers will be cast “into the Lake of Fire” for eternity.

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Read the ENTIRE Bible in ONE Year [PRINTABLE PLAN]

Editors note: As we look forward to the New Year, what better goal than to read your Bible every day. As a guide, this download from Teach Sunday School is worth its weight in gold! I plan to get mine today! Professional Mom


No matter what happens in 2023, I know this to be true:

Reading the Bible Makes Me Feel Better

A little Bible study goes a long way.

It can change the tone of my day in minutes.

I’ve just posted a 365-Day Bible Reading Plan on the website:


I’m finding having a Bible reading schedule to be both comforting and motivating these days.

What’s really cool, is that if you follow the schedule…

You can read the entire Bible in ONE year!

(and it only takes about 12 minutes per day)

Not only does this daily study habit bring peace to the day to day, but it results in a very special accomplishment.

Print out the plan here & join me!



Jesus And Santa; A Christian Dilemma (re-post)

When Joe and I married, I didn’t ask him if he believed in Santa Claus or if he would want to teach our future children about him. But I did ask him if he believed in Jesus.

At the time, I was not as close to my Savior as I should have been, however, within a year of marriage, I began to miss going to church and that started a whole realization that Jesus is Lord of ALL. I had even said (didn’t tell Joe) that I didn’t want to have children, but this “opening all the closets of my heart” started a whole new direction in my life. I gave my whole heart to Jesus and asked Him what HE wanted for my life.

The trajectory of my life changed immediately as all my goals and deepest wants were about being pleasing to God.  Within a few months, I was impressed by the Holy Spirit to quit my job with a local endodontist, get off birth control pills and in what I now call, getting ready for God’s plan, began to get more involved in Bible Studies, church events, and used my home time to listen to radio programs with awesome Bible scholars like J. Vernon McGee, and others who prepared me for the road ahead.

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🙏 4 Christmas TRUTHS Every Christian Kid Should Know

A note from Professional Mom: Escape Rooms are “the thing” this year!  How about a discounted download of a fun Christmas activity for a home party or church gathering. Thank you “Teach Sunday School”!



Don’t let Jesus take a backseat to Santa this Christmas.

Do your kids know the real reason we celebrate Christmas?

We designed a fun little game you can print out and play to reinforce the 4 key elements of the Nativity story.

You can print it out here.


🥧 10 Bible-Based Thanksgiving Crafts [PRINTABLE]

Teach Sunday School sent some Thanksgiving downloads of fun activities while the kids are off from school! Enjoy!



Need a fun activity to keep the kids busy today?

We just posted 10 printable Thanksgiving craft projects on the website:


I’m particularly in love with all the Scriptures of Thanksgiving Pumpkins & the Turkey Tickets.

Grab the templates here.


Order "The Gospel Parade" Today!


Don't miss

 "The Gospel Parade!" Second printing!

A great way to share the Gospel with your children

and grandchildren. A "read to" or read on their own,

    target audience is 4-9, but all ages will enjoy this!

The first edition was published in 2011, with just a few changes in the pictures, this is the same story that thrilled all of our readers!

Joe McDonald Ministry has made a parade float for local parades and church events! Complete with pictures from the book and gospel music!

Available now in

hardbound and softbound and at a reduced price!




Sunsets on Mobile Bay Calendar 2025 Volume XIV is available now!

Click here to preview and order:


Sunsets on Mobile Bay Calendar 2025 Volume XIV is available on Lulu.com, featuring the award-winning photography of local artist, Tommie Peterson. Tommie has delivered on the most fantastic photos yet! Volume XIV, 14years of calendars and if you've been getting one every year, you won't be disappointed! Lovely views of the Mobile, Alabama skyline with the most gorgeous sunsets ever! $2.00 per calendar is donated to Joe McDonald Ministry after printing costs. Thank you to all of our ministry supporters for your faithful giving! For more information on Joe McDonald Ministry, visit Professional MomFaceBook Page or Joe McDonald Ministry FaceBook Page, and get monthly newsletters on JoeMcDonaldMinistry.org

Be sure to use a LuLu.com discount code for extra savings!

Happy Birthday, Professional Mom!

Professional Mom
Inspiration for Moms and Caregivers

25 Years of Inspiration!











Winter Blessings 2025




"Hell is Forever: The Way of Escape" By Patrice Nodar McDonald (that's me!)




Be sure to check out my book on Amazon!
