A Father’s Day Post by Professional Mom
Calling All Dads
As a mom, a Professional Mom, by the way, I don’t always understand the male point of view on some things. But I do understand that it is important, both to God and to the family.
God made man, then God made woman out of man, then He made the family. He never intended for women to raise the children by themselves. I do know some really strong ladies that have raised beautiful and productive children by themselves, however, the hole in that child’s heart that was not filled by a father will only heal with the love of our Heavenly Father. Fathers are important.
If you are blessed to have a loving wife and one or several children, I am so happy for you. You are one special person! As hard as it is to juggle all of the balls of life, i.e., work, work, work and home life, if you already take time to visit with your family at night or in the morning, take much needed vacations and help with school projects, you are a super dad and you can stop reading now. But if you come home after the children are asleep, leave before they get up and work all weekend, we need to talk.
There are many statistics and graphs on how much time we spend with our children daily, I like to think of “quality time.” For example, one of my favorite times with my family were our nightly dinners. This was a 2-year tradition when I lived in Florida from 12-14 years old. This was the only time in my life that I felt like we interacted as a family, and I got to know my father better than ever during those years. Usually, he was busy working and other places we lived, we didn’t sit around the table and eat as a family. Now, I loved my dad, but to say that we spent quality time together would be a stretch.
Please make time for your children. My brother used to read his baby, to toddler, to small child, daughter, the same book every night. That, I’m sure is a favorite memory for her. She is now a grown woman and though she lives away, when in town, she is his faithful sidekick. They nurtured a sweet relationship over the years. Your “tradition” may be different, but just a small amount of time, breakfast before school, supper time or bedtime, make the most special memories of time with Dad!
Here’s a conversation tip I learned as a trainer, Tell, Explain, Describe, yes, it spells TED. When conversing with your child, you usually say, “What did you do in school today?” And they say, “Nothing.” So now you can practice this great technique! You say, “Tell me what you did in art today?” (Or science, etc.) Or, Explain, or Describe. It is really hard for them to answer “nothing” with these specific questions. Practice this and it will transform your conversations!
In addition to making time to bond, please take your children to church. There is nothing that will make a difference in a child’s life more than worshipping and even serving with their dad. (Mom too!) It was Joshua who said, “Choose you this day whom you will serve…but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” Joshua 24:15. My favorite memories as a child were Vacation Bible Schools, which are now Bible Camps or Jesus Jam! If you can plan your vacation and volunteer, that’s all the better. Dad, you are the spiritual leader of your family and it’s time to step up!
So, these things I have mentioned that transform families, taking time, even a small amount, to communicate, making memories and traditions, and finally, taking your children to church, are up to you. Mom will fill in the gaps as she always does, but ultimately it is your responsibility to train your children in the Lord. You would not like to stand before the Lord one day and be embarrassed. “Did you raise your children in me?” “No, but my wife did!”
Calling all dads to step out and step up! Be the dad God wants you to be and your children will thank you with their love and respect!
A Memorial Day Post by Professional Mom
Glory, Glory, Here’s the Story
What better time than Memorial Day to talk about Jesus. The sacrifice of our men and women in uniform speaks best to the love one man has for his country. Jesus’ sacrifice speaks of the love God has for mankind.
When I ponder the sacrifice of our soldiers and sailors, I am overwhelmed at the horrors many endured in their quest to “redeem” us from enemies, foreign and domestic. It makes me grateful for the freedom their actions have afforded me and my family.
My dad served in WWII and although he survived and lived a full life, his enthusiasm to serve his country was admirable. The son of immigrants, one of six children, his patriotism and love for America was very genuine. I’ll never forget how proud he was to represent our state on the Honor Flight that brought veterans to Washington D.C. He even wore a flag in his cap.
He and his 4 brothers all represented the US in all the branches of the military (except the Coast Guard.) I want this Memorial Day to be a “shout out” to all 4 (one still with us,) for their contribution to this country and their sacrifice in service!
Mother’s Day Part II by Professional Mom
This is my second Mother’s Day post. I wanted to share this encouragement in loss because I want to tell you to be aware of some of these sad events when offering your Mother’s Day greeting.
Some who have lost their moms could “adopt” a mom at church, help a lonely neighbor or aunt who is childless.
You can help bring “the Joy back” by being a friend, sending a card or bringing food or flowers.
Don’t forget Mom on Mother’s Day and remember to think outside the box for ways to make this Mother’s Day great, for mom or bring Joy to someone who is alone. And by the way, it doesn’t have to be Mother’s Day to be a help and encouragement to someone.
Sadness and Joy: Sharing A Mother’s Heart
Psalms 73: 26 says, “My flesh and my heart fail, but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever.”
Have you experienced something in your life that caused your “heart to fail”? Whether it was a sickness, your own or a loved one, death of a friend, spouse, parent, or most tragically, your child, there is a gripping hold on your life and heart that you think will never end. I am here to tell you, that sometimes it will not end the way you think. But there is “Hope in God” that the pain will ease, you will come out of that tunnel on the other side, and you will experience Joy again.
Give yourself time to heal. Time. To. Heal.
I was reminded recently of a young man that lost his wife to cancer. I would see him around the church on occasion. He looked really bad. He was in such a bad place for a long time. We were patient with him, not pressing him to “put on a happy face” and join us, but prayed diligently for his healing and that he would find himself again.
Fast-forward 4 years later and I just saw his wedding pictures on Facebook. God sent him a precious woman, not to replace his first wife, but to step in and be mom to his children and love him. He looked so happy! It took time. Time to heal. Trust God. Joy will come.
💐 MOTHER’S DAY Bible Lesson [+Printable Craft]
***Don’t miss this Mother’s Day download for all ages. You can preview and purchase on this link! It’s on sale for $4.99 with unlimited downloads, perfect to teach the importance of the mothers role in the family! Money back guarantee if not satisfied. PM
Mother’s Day is just around the corner!
We’ve posted our favorite Mother’s Day Bible lesson here:
Enjoy, Mary-Kate
PS- There’s a very cute printable Christ-centered Mother’s Day craft included: |
Joe McDonald Ministry Updates and Newsletters
Check out some of the things Joe and I have been up to with the ministry these days! All of his monthly newsletters are available on his website:
Recommendation of follow-up!
My mentor in child rearing is Dr. James Dobson. He’s been around to help me raise my 6 children and he’s still at it through Focus on the Family. Please use his insight to help with your kids, marriage or any issue that comes with being a family!
Heart of Flesh Literary Journal
By Veronica McDonald, author, artist and mom!
Don’t miss Veronica’s collection of Christian testimonies on her Heart of Flesh web site as she rolls out Volume 8! Previous Journals are available in print version as well as archived on line. She has a children’s journal as well, “Pure in Heart.”
Subscribe to her blog and get updates!
Heart of Flesh Literary Journal
Professional Mom’s Mother’s Day Post!
Mom’s The Boss
If you’ve never had that moment with your child or grandchild when they said, “You’re not the boss!” or behind your back, overheard, “She says that, but she won’t do anything!” Then you either don’t have kids, or you are not paying attention. They have said it, I promise.
If you have heard this and done nothing, shame on you. No wonder the world is in such a chaotic state. It is my opinion that, although this lack of consequences for childish mischief may have made it too late for some (and lack of discipline in the courts have made it worse,) we can only start NOW, with the children in front of us, to make it right.
Ok, so, stepping back a bit, why did I entitle this “Mom’s The Boss’? Speaking from my own experience as a “stay-at-home” mom, it was I who spent 90% of the time with our 6 children. If you are a single mom, you’ve then got 100%, not counting daycare, if you work outside the home. When my kids acted up and needed discipline, I was the one who delivered. I was and still am a believer in “consequences.” Whether that is a switch, a wooden spoon, a paddle, time out (without devices) or manual labor, something’s gotta give! For larger infractions and larger children (teens) sometimes I deferred to “wait ‘til Dad gets home,’ or “Dad and I will have to work out your punishment.” I tried to “build up” the fact that Dad had the first say in all things discipline, with God as his “boss” in the hierarchy of the family.
God is the ultimate Boss.
But you are with the children, whether a stay at home or a working mom (outside the home.) So, you must be ready to deliver on infractions as they come up. I would not be so bold as to say you get up every morning ready for a fight, however, I did have twins (my firsts) that made it hard to just relax and enjoy them!
⏳ 60-Minute EASTER Challenge for Kids
✝️ Christ-Centered Easter Basket Idea
*Here’s a treat that will keep on giving! This Bible Wheel is $7 for hours of learning and fun. Order today, free shipping! Professional Mom Patti McDonald
I think all Easter baskets need a few treats that are Christ-centered.
Check out this adorable “Bible Wheel” surprise I’m tucking into all my baskets this year.
It’s something that kids & teens will all be excited about and actually use to deepen their faith.
Plus, it will last a little longer than those mini eggs and peeps!
Talk Soon,
Order "The Gospel Parade" Today!
Don't miss
"The Gospel Parade!" Second printing!
A great way to share the Gospel with your children
and grandchildren. A "read to" or read on their own,
target audience is 4-9, but all ages will enjoy this!
The first edition was published in 2011, with just a few changes in the pictures, this is the same story that thrilled all of our readers!
Joe McDonald Ministry has made a parade float for local parades and church events! Complete with pictures from the book and gospel music!
Available now in
hardbound and softbound and at a reduced price!
Volume XII Sunsets on Mobile Bay 2024
Made Exclusively for Joe McDonald Ministry
Sunsets on Mobile Bay 2024 Volume XIII is available now!!!
Click here to preview and order:
Sunsets on Mobile Bay Calendar 2024 Volume XIII is available on Lulu.com, featuring the award-winning photography of local artist, Tommie Peterson. Tommie has delivered on the most fantastic photos yet! Volume XIII, 13 years of calendars and if you've been getting one every year, you won't be disappointed! Lovely views of the Mobile, Alabama skyline with the most gorgeous sunsets ever! $2.00 per calendar is donated to Joe McDonald Ministry after printing costs. Thank you to all of our ministry supporters for your faithful giving! For more information on Joe McDonald Ministry, visit our FaceBook Page or website, JoeMcDonaldMinistry.org
Be sure to use a LULU.com discount code for extra savings!
Order here:
Happy Birthday, Professional Mom!
25 Years of Inspiration!