The Gospel Parade goes to St. Bernard Parish!

(Copied from Joe McDonald Ministry April Newsletter)

I received a blog post on my site last year, Debbie Smith of Wee Can Know ministry, a friend for many years, had read my “The Gospel Parade” book and had actually made shoebox floats of the parade in the book! I was thrilled, not only because she loved my book, but as a children’s ministry to the Greater New Orleans area, she and her husband, Phil, had multiple opportunities to share the Gospel story through these floats during the year. Phil bought wagons and they placed the floats in order, pulling them along throughout the Mardi Gras season.

Fast-forward to March 2018, Debbie called me and invited Joe McDonald Ministry to walk (and pull) in the St. Bernard Parish Irish Italian Islenos Parade in Chalmette, Louisiana. Joe and I walked the 6 mile parade with Debbie and her team, pulling The Gospel Parade on 6 wagons. It was so fun as we joined the huge parade with giant floats and marching teams. We gave out 800 Gospel packets with bracelets, 200 The Gospel Parade book packets with bracelets, 900 John 3:16 doubloons, 850 additional tracts, and 400 Wordless Book tracts for a today of 3,150 witnesses! Our continued prayer is that many people at that parade will be saved from reading this literature and from seeing the floats!

My personal blessing is that Phil and Debbie ran with the inspiration from The Gospel Parade, more children are saved, and God is glorified! Joe and I left a box of 300+ mini books and Debbie has already distributed some at a Bible Club meeting! I want to add a thank you to YOU! Because of you, we have been able to print mini books in Spanish and English and have distributed them around the World!

Reaching many for Jesus,

Patti McDonald of Joe McDonald Ministry, INC

Sharing Jesus with Your Children by Dr. James Dobson

Another FREE E-Book! Dr. James Dobson has been my mentor and spiritual hero for over 40 years. Please enjoy sharing the most important message you could ever share with your children, the message of Salvation through Jesus Christ! Happy Easter to all! Professional Mom

Dr. Dobson’s email message:

Easter is a great time to share the Good News!

“The ultimate goal for people of faith is to give each child an understanding of Scripture and a lifelong passion for Jesus Christ. This is, I believe, the most important responsibility for those of us who have been entrusted with the care and nurturance of children.”
–Dr. James Dobson

Nothing in this world is more important than preparing your family for life together in eternity.

That’s why we want you to have our FREE eBook, Sharing Jesus With Your Children. It could very well be the best thing you’ll read today.


30 Day Workout Challenge (Pinterest)

I know better…no one wants to start working out during the holidays!

But I couldn’t help sharing this Workout Challenge I found on the Internet! I started it 2 days ago and it is so easy and fast, any mom (or dad) has time for it. I plan to do it and see if I have any results. It takes about 5 minutes a day.

Let me know if you try it and how you do! I am the world’s worst about regular exercise routines but I may be able to stick to this one.

Let’s do it together, or if you want to wait until the New Year, save it to your computer or phone and try it then!

I’m in!!!

Workout Challenge or bust!

Professional Mom



Family Prayer Guide (from


Now more than ever, families need prayer. I am sending a challenge to all families to pray together at some time each day. Rally the troops, put down your phones and devices and pray. Make a plan to have family time (even 10 minutes) and prepare your family for the days ahead. This will be a task at first, but within about 20 days, it will become a habit and bless you beyond anything you have experienced. Take a few items on the list and work your way to the end, you will be blessed and your family will be building a great foundation in the Lord.

Professional Mom

30 Day Prayer and Fasting Schedule

I want to thank Elizabeth Baptist Church (website) in Atlanta, ELIZABETH BAPTIST CHURCH, PASTOR CRAIG L. OLIVER, SR. for this 30 Day Prayer and Fasting Schedule. My daughter-in-law followed it in her first days of being a new Christian and it helped her gain insights and discipline for the days ahead. This is not a weight loss plan, however, you may lose a little weight as you go through the process. Enjoy learning and growing in your faith! Let me know how it goes!
Here is the document to download to your computer or mobile device:
