Glory, Glory, Here’s the Story
What better time than Memorial Day to talk about Jesus. The sacrifice of our men and women in uniform speaks best to the love one man has for his country. Jesus’ sacrifice speaks of the love God has for mankind.
When I ponder the sacrifice of our soldiers and sailors, I am overwhelmed at the horrors many endured in their quest to “redeem” us from enemies, foreign and domestic. It makes me grateful for the freedom their actions have afforded me and my family.
My dad served in WWII and although he survived and lived a full life, his enthusiasm to serve his country was admirable. The son of immigrants, one of six children, his patriotism and love for America was very genuine. I’ll never forget how proud he was to represent our state on the Honor Flight that brought veterans to Washington D.C. He even wore a flag in his cap.
He and his 4 brothers all represented the US in all the branches of the military (except the Coast Guard.) I want this Memorial Day to be a “shout out” to all 4 (one still with us,) for their contribution to this country and their sacrifice in service!