365 Bible Reading Guide for 2025

Printable “Read the Bible through in 2025” from teachsundayschool.com! I have used their format and it is awesome!

Happy New Year from Professional Mom! Patti





I’ve just posted a 365 Day Bible Reading Plan on the website:




I find having a Bible reading schedule to be both comforting and motivating.


I hope it will offer you the same as we enter 2025! (go grab it now before you forget:)


Feel free to print it out and use yourself, with your own family, with your Sunday School kids, etc.


Print out the plan here & join me!





Joe McDonald Ministry wishing you a Merry Christmas! Read the latest news.

*This includes our McDonald Family Christmas Letter! I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas! Patti-Professional Mom


Merry Christmas! “Let heaven and nature sing” about this special time of the year.


Read the Joe McDonald Ministry news and McDonald family news by clicking here: “The Evangelism Trail” Christmas Edition


This month is two pages long.  At the top left look for the two small arrows to see the second page of McDonald Family  news. 


We give thanks for all your prayers and support in 2024 and pray you have a safe and happy holiday time with family and friends.



Reverend Joe McDonald  Isaiah 6:8
sharing “the message of grace”
Joe McDonald Ministry Inc.
a 501(c)(3) donation supported ministry