What happened when Jesus said, “It is Finished’?
(Scripture references and inspiration from Palm Sunday Service, Luke 4:18 Church, Dr. Fred Wolfe’s message*)
It’s Easter time and all that means…family, friends, baskets, bunnies, eggs AND, most importantly, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. I hope everyone who reads this will gain some insight as to exactly what Jesus did for us in His death on the cross.
Whether you chose to believe it or not, Jesus died in your (my) place. Before we celebrate the Resurrection (Sunday,) it is good to reflect on the crucifixion (Friday.) By good, I mean, what really took place on that old rugged cross.
Back in Genesis, in the Bible, (Gen. 3: 8-10) we can see that the perfect plan of God was to have daily fellowship, communion, with His creation, Man. Adam disobeyed God and communion was broken, causing separation from that daily fellowship. Man became accountable for his sin and in the many years that followed, between Adam and Jesus, no one experienced that “full” fellowship with God. Even though, for example, Moses met with God on the mountaintop and David communed with God, God’s Spirit was withheld and only through the tenents of The Tabernacle and the Holy of Holies, could God’s Spirit dwell.
The Tabernacle, which was brought through the Wilderness with the Jewish Nation for 40 years in tent form and eventually built as the Temple, was fully designed by God, through his servant Moses. (Exodus 25-31) Through study of the Tabernacle, you can see that it is all about Jesus. Start with the door, there was only one entry, by this we know that Jesus is the only way to get to God, not works, not religion, not goodness (John 10: 9-10.)
The brazen altar (bronze is a picture of judgement) was in the outer court. The people would enter the door with their animal of sacrifice and the priest would kill it and the blood would cover the altar. By this we know that there is only redemption in the blood, a picture of our perfect sacrifice, once, for all, Jesus, the spotless Lamb of God.
I will fast forward to the inner tent, and we see more pictures of Jesus in the lampstand (Menorah.) In John 8:12, Jesus said, “I am the light of the world; he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life.” And the showbread was displayed there, John 6:35, And Jesus said unto them, “I am the bread of life…”
Now, the Holy Place, or the place where God’s presence dwelt, was inside this tent, but was shrouded by a very thick, tall (60 feet) curtain. Only the priests could go in and only once a year. They tied a rope around their leg, in case they died, they could pull them out. The Ark of the Covenant was housed there as well. The priest would sprinkle the blood from the sacrifice once a year to atone for the sins of the people.
Where this gets real for me is in the birth of Jesus. He was perfect Deity (fully God) and perfect humanity (born of a woman.) He became my perfect sacrifice, because of Him, I can come to God without a veil. In fact, when Jesus died on the cross for my sins, the veil in the temple was torn in two (Matthew 27: 51.) My dear ones, it was torn from “top to bottom.”
Hebrews 9:14 says, “How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?”
So, what happened when Jesus said, “It is Finished?” He took my sin (and yours) and covered it with His blood. He paid the price for my sin so I would not be separated from God for eternity.
I love this song:
My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness,
I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
On Christ, the Solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand…all other ground is sinking
sand! (Words: Edward Mote)
Have a Blessed Easter!
Patti (Professional Mom)
Please comment on your thoughts, feedback or something that was meaningfull to you.
Join me at Luke 4:18 Fellowship for our Resurrection Celebration on Sunday. April 16 in Mobile, Alabama, or stream live at http://www.luke418fellowship.com/
I love this ?
Thank you, Patti, for these inspirational words. I must stop my busy life to reflect what a great sacrifice Jesus made for us. I yearn to make Him the center of my life each day. Sometimes I forget to hand over my troubles to Jesus and that is when I feel the worst.
It is difficult for me to think that the peace and power of God is right here for me as I will it, because of Jesus. I hope as you hand over your troubles, you will find peace in your heart, despite of your circumstances. God will make a way, Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” This tells me to trust God in all things and not worry…