Evil has been in the world since Man’s fall in the Garden. Evil is not a new concept and as a matter of fact, evil has is as old as life. But as a child born in innocence, raised in a quiet home, raised to love Jesus, the evil I am witnessing right now is mortifying.

Satan has “come out,” guns blaring, taking every opportunity to exploit the minds of people who, what? Think a man can disguise his gender with a dress and lipstick? A woman who thinks wearing men’s clothes makes her man. What about the “alphabet soup” of identifying letters, many of which have no corresponding word.  It is confusing and an abomination. I am surprised that God has not rained down fire from Heaven as judgement, like in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah!

Not to pick one evil over another, two mommies, two daddies, really? Our children, who are confused enough just going through puberty, are up for a real challenge with this phenomenon. And it is even glossed over as “inclusive” and “sweet.” I think it’s an afront to the loving God who created us, man and woman, husband and wife, not man and man, wife and wife, husband and husband. It is pure evil.

Now that that’s out, I can’t forget the abortion murders that have been prevalent throughout my lifetime, and the recent “ideology” being promoted to encourage (or force) children to mutilate their bodies on the alter of Gender identity. Not only is it stupid, it is a crime, and like abortion, it forever alters the course of the child’s life, and not with good outcomes!

I picked this Evil to discuss but there are so many more out there today, without going into corruption in government and businesses, secret sins, pornography, adultery, I could go on.

I don’t have the answer, I am mortified and I’m sure God is waiting, waiting, waiting, to pronounce judgement as the Bible says.

But there is a Savior, Jesus Christ the Lord, God in the flesh, now seated on the right hand of His Father God. He is saying, please wait, Father. There are a few more of your creation that need to be saved from eternal suffering in Hell. Wait, I died on that cross for all of them, wait. They may still trust me. I’m asking you to wait just a little longer.

If you are still breathing, it is not too late!

* I’m posting this after much prayer. I love ALL people, and we are all sinners (saved by grace.) I don’t, however, condone sin as it is presented in the Bible. We must pray for people’s eternal souls and get the word out that “Jesus Saves!”