21 Bible Verses to Help You STOP Worrying (TeachSundaySchool.com)


I used to be a chronic worry machine:

  • I’d worry about things I had absolutely no control over
  • I’d stop myself from taking action in my life because I was afraid of failure
  • I struggled to live in the moment

It was not good.

Not good for me… not good for my family… not good for my friends.

Thankfully, I’m now able to stop worry before it becomes anxiety and panic with the help of scripture.

In case you are struggling (or know someone who is), I’ve posted the verses, tools, and techniques that have helped me here:

How I Stopped Worrying with Scripture


Mary-Kate (From TeachSundaySchool.com)

*Hi Professional Mom readers! This was captured from a daily email I receive from TeachSundaySchool.com! (with their permission)

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